Downgrade windows 10 ke windows 8
Downgrade windows 10 ke windows 8

downgrade windows 10 ke windows 8

Below, we have provided two different methods to uninstall Windows 10 20H2, the October 2020 Update, depending on your previously installed version. How you upgraded to Windows 10 20H2, though, determines how you can uninstall and roll back to a previous version of Windows.

downgrade windows 10 ke windows 8

On the other hand, if a user was running Windows 10 2004, Windows 10 20H2 will be installed via an 'enablement package' that turns on features already part of the operating system but are turned off. If users are upgrading from Windor older, then Windows 10 20H2 will be installed as a full update, which can only be rolled back within 10 days of being installed.

downgrade windows 10 ke windows 8

When upgrading to the Windows 10 20H2 feature update, one of two methods will be used depending on what version of Windows 10 is being upgraded. If you are running into issues with Windows 10 20H2, otherwise known as the October 2020 Update, this guide will explain how to roll back to your previous version of the operating system.

Downgrade windows 10 ke windows 8